Friday, January 23, 2009

Fridge Happenings......

The long shot....I guess the kids need to update their artwork. Those are drawings of Oliver and Jasper the elf...they went back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve.

The close up of our magnet collection...of all the cool/interesting/fun places we've been. I collect magnets..they are cheaper than t-shirts and they last longer.

The side that faces the the photo of Pop-pop and Rowdy..taken on the front porch of our first house, Grandma and her amaryllis makes me smile too. I used to have a lot more photos in clear frames...but Mike hates clutter on the fridge so this is our almost happy medium.

1 comment:

LAC said...

i collect magnets too, but they end up on my filing cabinet at work!! Great collection.