Friday, April 02, 2010

Here are some of the "April Fools Got'chas" from our house this year.

Paige did this one to me...the old post it note on the bottom of the mouse so it acts dead as a doornail. She also taped the handle of the faucet sprayer at the kitchen sink so my shirt got soaked when I went to rinse her thermos out.

Paige requested that I put neon purple food coloring in Megan's milk at breakfast. I told Megan it was a "new grape milk" instead of the usual chocolate or strawberry. She wasn't having any of it! So I had purple milk on my cereal.

Paige gets on the school bus for middle school before Megan gets up. So before Megan went off to school I helped her turn Paige's room "Upside Down".

We don't have any pictures of the last prank of the day...but I will do my best to describe it.
Before Megan and I returned home from Megan's dance classes Mike and Paige blew up a bunch of balloons. They did not tie them shut but they twisted them and shut the ends in the door. That way they would fall down and the air would whoosh out. They did the door from the garage to the house and also Megan's bedroom. It was a big hit!


LAC said...

Your house is so much fun. I want to live there! They are all great ideas. Very creative.

Have a great week.

JustMeShann said...

Love the April Fools Fun!!! I don't know which one is my favorite!!