Monday, August 03, 2009

Hey do I get extra points for posting pictures from the weekend on Monday...instead of waiting until the next weekend to get around to it?

We started off our weekend Friday night with a concert at Expresso Yourself Cafe. Paige went to a music class every Wednesday in July and on Friday they had a concert. It was fun to hear her play in public and she was so cool and relaxed. Needless to say we are very proud of her for practicing so hard and for performing so well.

Paige had two duets one with another student Annie who plays the flute and this one above with her teacher Dr. Clark. He is a very nice man and he always has so many positive things to say about Paige. She will be taking private classes with him during the school year. He teaches music at the local music store plus he teaches at a local college.

Paige also had her first sold performance, she played "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"...and it was the best rendition I've ever heard!

Aunt Deb and Megan enjoying some blues played by some guitar players (also from the music store).

Me and my girls :) for the camera.

This is what I get when I ask the three of them to go stand by the sign, and you know that it was Aunt Deb's idea.

Not too long until I am the shortest one in our family...unless you count the dogs!

The only casualty from the weekend softball tournament. Oh there were lots of pulled muscles, a few sore backs, a softball to the back of the head while running to first and stitches under one guys chin (that he gave himself). Other than that this was probably the biggest oops!

Ya know it's "Shark Week" on the Discovery you think she was checking for fins? Actually she has not gone off the diving board since late last maybe she was just getting herself physced up.

Paige is too young to remember the Nes-Tea Plunge but I'm not!

No she is not being a shark and no she is not saying a prayer before she splashes into the pool. She was playing on the monkey bars at the park all day and she got a BIG blister in the center of her palm and it popped right before we went to the pool so she was holding it out of the water.

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