Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here are the rest of the photos from our sleepover at Aunt Debs the weekend before last. After our incredible dinner we watched "Mary Poppins". Can you believe that Deb had never seen it before. I can't even count how many times I have seen it, I just love Mary she's practically perfect in every way. It was so funny when we sat down to watch the movie Joe got up and snuggled with me and Rebel made himself at home on Debs lap. By the end of the movie Rebel had snuggled up with Paige and Megan had taken Rebels spot with Deb.

In the morning Megan built a blanket fort that she shared with Paige.

Here is the wonderful breakfast that Deb made for us. An omelette with mushrooms, three cheese blend from Trader Joes, and leeks. It was yummy! She also made the potato casserole from the night before into these fantastic potato cakes.

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