Back to School 2010-2011
Today was the first day of school for the girls. Paige is in 7th grade and Megan is in 4th. Paige gets on the bus at 7:15 and Megan gets on at 8:25. So that means a long morning for me...get Paige up..make her breakfast and pack her lunch on most days then I take the dogs out while she gets on the bus. Then it's back inside to do it all over again with Megan.
Paige gets her locker today so she has lots of supplies to carry in. I told her she could bring in a little each day but she wanted to bring it all with her today. I talked her out of taking her clarinet...I'm pretty sure they don't play music on the first day of band class.
She was originally going to wear her new jean leggings but I told her she would get too warm on recess so she changed to jean shorts. The pink shoes that Aunt Shann got her for her look great with her plaid shirt.
Is it me or does Megan look too mature in this photo? I just can't believe she only has 2 more years of elementary school then she's off to middle school. I'm not ready for that :(