Warning Enter AT Your Own Risk.. This is a GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONSTRUCTION ZONE!Oooops I guess Megan's house is not a prefab. We had to mix the frosting and do some construction. We could have used some help from Uncle Steve out in California...or on second thought maybe this is Aunt Shann's territory. We got it built now it's time for the fun....FROSTING lots of white sticky frosting oh and we can't forget all the fun, colorful tasty candy! In the meantime Team Dad and Paige were constructing Paige's gingerbread house that she won in the C.D.A. coloring contest. They had a gingerbread base with little cutouts to place their wall...it was kind of like a puzzle. Do you see Rebel licking his chops? Their house is up now it's time for the treats to go on. Here are the final works of art Megan's is on the left and Paige's is on the right. They built the snowmen out of marshmallows and painted on their features with food coloring pens. I think they turned out pretty good, we were done building and decorating in just over and hour. Clean up was another 30 minutes or so, we had frosting EVERYWHERE! The proud owner-builders with their new homes. Our Gingerbread Village of 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Last night we baked sugar cookies and the girls had fun decorating them. Aunt Shann had sent us some food coloring markers a while back. Paige and Megan loved coloring their cookies, thanks Aunt Shann. Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle! Here are the cookies that Megan and Paige colored, they are mini-me's.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
You better watch out . You better not cry. You better not pout, I'm telling you why.....Santa Claus is coming to town!
Here are the Santa pictures I promised a few days ago. Sorry it took me a few days to get them posted. We drove over to Alum Creek to see the light display that they have for Recreations Unlimeted , for ten dollars a car you can drive through their big light display and stop and see Santa. They have free hot chocolate and cookies and even free marshmallows to roast . There is an extra five dollar donation to take all the pictures you want with Santa. I would rather donate money to a good cause like that (the money goes to help kids) then donate to a big shopping mall. The only thing is I wish Santa would have smiled, I know you can't really see his mouth but you can tell if a person is smiling by their eyes and this Santa looked a little bored. Oh well the kids got to talk with Santa, we got our pictures and donated to a good cause too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Brandi, Mike, Paige and Megan
Monday, December 17, 2007
Last night C.D.A. had their last two performances of "The Nutty Nutcracker" for the 2007 season. Paige had been at the theater since 1:30 in the afternoon. They had a practice run before the first show at 4 p.m. It was a long day, but she was a trooper and danced and smiled in both shows like a pro. She had lots of friends in the audience at the 4 o'clock show. Aunt Deb and Bud were there. Paige's best friend Brittany was there with her mom. Our neighbor boy Harry was there with his mom and dad and our neighbor lady Linda was there with me. Unfortunately we were unable to get pictures with all of them because they have the dancers go backstage after the show so they can clear the theater for the second show.
So here are the pictures that we took after the final show. Below Paige a.k.a. A Santa's Sleigh Keeper is with the sleingh on stage.Here she is with Rudolph, she better watch those flowers Rudolph is looking hungry. Here she is in the lobby of the theater. Aunt Terry asked her to turn around so we could see the naughty side of her hat. But we all know Paige is always NICE! Paige is such a little trooper to stand with all those flowers and have her picture taken with mom, and dad, and mom and dad, and finally with Aunt Terry. Somehow we never got a shot with Megan, and I am sure Megan will point that out in about 5 years or so. After the show we were invited over to Aunt Deb's and Bud's for dinner. That was a welcome treat. They only live about two miles from the theater. Don't you just love their tree ? It's in the sun room and it looks like it could be in a magazine. Oh here's Megan I told you she was with us, no we didn't leave her home with the dogs! Paige poses for one last picture with Bud before changing out of her costume. We didn't want to risk getting pizza sauce on her feathers or sequins. That would be a disaster! Paige relaxed with her dad while our little chef Megan helped Aunt Deb with the grilled cheese sandwiches. We had pepperoni pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches and a yummy chicken, spinach artichoke soup. It was all warm and yummy! Megan thought it was amazing that Aunt Deb actually had a real brick covered in foil to press the cheese sandwiches.
After all that hard work our little chef had to have a snuggle break with Joe Boxer.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Yesterday we decorated our Christmas tree. It's not quite as big as our trees in the past but it has a nice shape and it smells good. I let the kids put their ornaments up they have quite a collection and I put just a few of my glass ornaments up. I would love to get a 4ft artificial tree to put in the bay window of our den so I could just put my fancy glass ornaments on that and then we could put all the rest of the ornaments on the live family room tree. It's funny how the kids can't remember to keep the bathroom door closed so the pup won't go get the t.p. or they can't remember to make their beds on the weekends, but they CAN remember that Grandma Barb left them a package and she said they could unwrap them before they decorate the tree. Funny how the memory works. So here they are opening their gifts from Grandma Barb and Grandpa Jim. The dogs were very interested too, maybe they thought there may be a puppy treat in it for them. No puppy treats, but surprise four cute little personalized ornaments for our tree! Hanging the first ornaments for 2007! Below, Paige and Rebel taking a snuggle break. Ta-da behold the Izzy Christmas tree of 2007! Let's just hope the pup leaves it alone, so far so good. Merry Christmas!